Candle Lighting
Candle Lighting Friday Night – 7:52PMHavdallah Saturday Night – 9:04PM
Prayer Services
Friday Evening Services are at 6:30PM at the Shaar HaShomayim Synagogue.Join us after the service for our April Oneg Shabbat.
RSVPs are appreciated.
Passover Tidbit: Miriam’s Cup
Here is a quick Passover Tidbit. I will try to put together some more interesting information before the holiday.
In honour of Miriam who had an important role in the exodus from Egypt, some families have the custom of adding ‘The Cup of Miriam’ after the second cup of wine – before רחץ (the washing of the hands). A cup is filled with water to be placed at the Seder table. Some have a custom of reciting a short passage describing the role of Miriam in the story of the Exodus.
Miriam watched over her little brother as he was placed in the nile, convinced the daughter of Pharoh to take him, led the nation in song after crossing the Red Sea, and because of her, the nation had water during their journy in the desert. After she died, there was no longer any water and alternate sources were needed.
Have a great weekend and Shabbat Shalom!